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LightLas 577 Yellow laser

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LightLas 577 Yellow laser
More effective, safer and faster treatment

LightMed’s LIGHTLas 577 ‘s also has sp-mode™ (also known as Sub Treshold) that offers a novel and revolutionary approach to treat numerous retinal disorders with far greater safety margins and versatility of continuous wavelength.  Sp-Mode™ also delivers trains of short pulses, enhance treatment flexibility, and safety that is ideal for treatments near the macula.  Micro pulse is not a replacement of continuous wavelength, but research on micro pulse photocoagulation has been demonstrated efficacy on a large number of clinical applications that far exceeds those of green lasers.

The LIGHTLas 577 uniquely integrates with our ultra high quality slit lamp.  LightMed’s slit lamp has out- standing clinical functionality.  Having 50-100µm continuously variable spot size, the delivery system has enhanced clinical verstility superb energy density.  Our slit lamp comes with an internal safety filter for a large field undistorted and a crystal clear view of the retina.  Also the LIGHTLas 532 conviently can also become a combo or tri laser, connecting with our LIGHTLas YAG, LIGHTLas SLT or LIGHTLas SLT Duex.  This causes an increase in practice clinical scope and an efficiency integrated work station.  The LIGHTLas 532 also comes with a wireless power control foot pedal that allows for enhanced procedures and an advance detachable 7″ LCD touch screen interface with intuitive menus and treatment settings.

点击次数:  更新时间:2016-11-30  【打印此页】  【关闭
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